Welcome to AWSParams’s documentation!


Version 1 of this library is drastically different than previous versions. The CLI Application hasn’t changed but the library it uses has. Please pay extra attention to the examples below or look at the underlying class for more information.

Why this script?

The current (Jul 2017) AWS Console for the Systems Manager Parameter Store is good for adding and editing the values of parameters, but misses key productivity functions like copying (especially en mass), renaming, etc. The current aws ssm CLI is very similar in functionality to the AWS Console.

This script is to automate a lot of the manual work currently needed with the existing AWS-provided UIs.


  • AWSParams requires Python 3.6+
  • Depending on your Python3.6 install either pip install awsparams or pip3 install awsparams



from awsparams import AWSParams

# Using default Profile
aws_params = AWSParams()

# Using a Custome Profile
aws_params = AWSParams('MyProfile')

#get a single parameter
param = get_parameter('test1')
# ParamResult(Name='test1', Value='test123', Type='SecureString')

#ParamResult is a named tuple with properties Name, Value, Type
param.Name # 'test1'
param.Value # 'test123'
param.Type # 'SecureString'

# get multiple parameters with a prefix
params = get_all_parameters(prefix="testing.testing.")
# [ParamResult(Name='testing', Value='1234', Type='String'),
#  ParamResult(Name='testing2', Value='1234', Type='String')]

# get multiple parameters by path
params = get_all_parameters(prefix="/testing/testing/", by_path=True)
# [ParamResult(Name='testing', Value='1234', Type='String'),
#  ParamResult(Name='testing2', Value='1234', Type='String')]

# get multiple parameters by path
params = get_all_parameters(prefix="/testing/testing/", by_path=True, trim_name=False)
# [ParamResult(Name='/testing/testing/testing', Value='1234', Type='String'),
#  ParamResult(Name='/testing/testing/testing2', Value='1234', Type='String')]

# get just a parameter value
value = get_parameter_value('test1')
# test123

For more detailed examples of usage as a library see the cli implementation here.

For full library reference see: here.

CLI application:

Usage can be referenced by running awsparams --help or awsparams subcommand --help commands:

Usage: awsparams [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

--version  Show the version and exit.
--help     Show this message and exit.

cp   Copy a parameter, optionally across accounts
ls   List Paramters, optional matching a specific...
mv   Move or rename a parameter
new  Create a new parameter
rm   Remove/Delete a parameter
set  Edit an existing parameter

More examples here

Indices and tables